Laptop or Me?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The other morning, while walking from home to car park. ZX wanted Papa to carry him.

Mama: (Trying to make him walk on his own) “Papa is already carrying so many things, he cannot carry you, why don’t you walk on your own?”

ZX: (Turning to me now) “Mummy carry (me), (since) mummy has nothing to carry.”

Mama: “……”

The second morning, while walking from home to car park again, ZX wanted Mama to carry him.

Mama: “You are carrying the (toy) laptop, it is heavy, mummy has no strength to carry both you and your laptop.”

Now, he turned himself to Papa, who is always not good at rejecting him. And Papa was of course carry both ZX and his (toy) laptop then.

Mama: “Mummy carries the laptop for you then, it is too heavy for Papa to carry both you and your laptop.”
ZX: “No, Xiang Xiang carry the laptop on my own.”
Mama: “Papa carries you and your laptop, where got you carry on your own?”

ZX: “Papa carries Xiang Xiang, Xiang Xiang (then) carry the laptop on my own.”

Photo taken @ Langkawi


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