Watching the Iron Man 2

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mummy was so happy as she finally got a chance to watch movie in the cinema after so long.

My parents came to our place during the weekend.  I requested my mum for a 2-hour help to babysit little ZX so that Papa and myself can go and watch movie with ZX.

Iron Man 2 was the movie that I wanted to watch since it released.  I was very happy that when my mum agreed to babysit little ZX.  I asked ZX to follow us as I think he might like it.  It would be the first time he went to the cinema, so I have to tell him that how dark the cinema is and roughly what he will be expecting.  He was first eager to go with us but after I stressed that it will be very dark, he changed his mind.  Oh oh… but I insisted to bring him along as it might be the only one movie that we managed to watch -- at least till someone is to babysit little ZX for me.

Since it was quite a last minute decision, we chose the nearest cinema instead of the usual one that we went.  We purposely chose the seats at the side block as well in case ZX wants to get out of the cinema half way.

We were half an hour earlier to reach the place.  Queuing for ticket, nacho, hotdog, going to the toilet, just to get ZX familiar with the place a bit.  At last, we entered the cinema.  It’s not quite as I expected, the cinema was dark when we entered unlike from past that it will be light up before the movie start.  ZX shouted for Papa when Papa left his seat to help a wheel-chair audience to get to his seat.  Then ZX told me he was scared and he wanted to pee.  It was a mess when I searched for the tickets and I just couldn’t find it.  Well, Papa left with ZX and it was fortunate that there is a toilet in the cinema.  The movie just started when they came back and seated.  I was praying that he would not ask to leave the cinema since he was scared just now.  He was staring at the screen, ok ok, I guess he would watch the movie. 

Finally, he settled down and we quickly bribe him with the nacho we bought. :D After 5 minutes of the show, I turned my head and guess what.  ZX was sleeping in the cinema.  Haha… if you have watched Iron Man, you should know that there are lots of fighting scene, it is the same for Iron Man 2. 

However, ZX slept after 5 minutes of the show and he woke up ONLY 20 minutes before the movie ended.  Meaning that he actually slept for around 100 minutes during the show? When asked if he has seen Iron Man when he reached home, he said yes, but has got no story to tell.  Of course, he slept most of the time. :D  That’s my son’s first movie experience.

Alright, I guess the show was not that boring, right? It is just that the show does not attract him that much as a kid.  But he did seems interested when it was showing the Toy Story 3 trailer.

[ Before the movie ]



[ The excited look after the movie]


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